back and clear form button - any ideas?


Hi,<br />
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I would like the have a button which does the following:<br />
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Return user to data entry form (where they just entered data) but I would the text boxes to be clear (instead of containing the data the user has already entered)<br />
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thanks alot for your help.<!--content-->Dave--<br />
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Hi. First time poster, longtime lurker :D.<br />
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I take it that fix above is javascript and won't work for an HTML form, yes?<br />
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If so, could you provide the full code and/or link to a simple form that when the "submit" button is hit, it both sends the info and resets the form page?<br />
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I have an html version that sends the form no problem, but doesn't reset the page automatically after, so there's no indication from the user's side that anything has been done.<br />
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As a result, I keep getting repeated emails, evidently from user's hitting the "submit" button over and over again.<br />
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I used html because it's a very simple form and I'm not too familiar with how to integrate javascript into html, so I would also need the <HEAD> code to instruct the computer that it includes a javascript command.<br />
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This is the page I'm working on: OBI "Get A Quote" (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
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As you'll see from viewing the source, my code is exceedingly simple (and incomplete; I'm still building the site). Any suggestions?<br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->Sounds good to me. Can you provide the javascript code for a simple "mailto" form that submits the info and then resets the page (including the javascript instructional information to put in the <HEAD> attributes) or was that it before?<br />
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Sorry, I just am not at all familiar with how javascript integrates with HTML<br />
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