Awkward characters in Regular Expressions In Schema SimpleTy


New Member
I need to define the type of a string field such that it can include onlythe following characters:upper/lowercase lettersapostropheampersandhyphenparenthesesI try to do it using a type definition in the schema which looks somethinglike:<xsd:simpleType name="mytype"><xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"><xsd:pattern value="[\p{L}#x26#x27#x28#x29]{90}"></xsd:restriction></xsd:simpleType>(note 26-29 hex Ascii is the various special chars mentioned above)Then I've got an element defined as being of type "mytype" and I want togive it a valid value. The following do not work:<myelement>abcde&apos;</myelement><myelement>abcde'</myelement>and so on.....Any advice on the correct regular expression? or (if thats right, what thecorrect way to put the characters into the XML element would be?Note I'm working with the w3c's latest schema definition, not microsoft schemas.ThanksSimon