Awards, etc.


Hi Kevin,<br />
Thanks SOOOOOOOOO much for letting me know about the images - I forgot to Upload them to my server!!!!!!!! MAJOR DUH!! In fact, I redid a little more on the entire page and hadn't uploaded it yet - good grief. Sometimes I feel so stupid but figure if some of you get a good laugh out of my flubs it's worth A good laugh is healthy, you know! :) I have to laugh at myself, too so I don't cry <br />
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Okay, about those awards. I have been totally perplexed about those since I was sent my first one. I started getting these things in my e-mail and had no clue what I was supposed to do with them. When I used to go around looking at sites and signing guestbooks (tired of that in a hurry) I saw people had seperate award pages and thought I was supposed to do that. Frankly, I find them a pain in the butt big time and also, don't care for the added junk in my files, but I thought protocol demanded I do something with see, I'm new at this stuff and don't want to slight anyone that thinks they've done something nice for me. At the same time, however, I have wondered if people just do this in hopes you'll put their link on their so-called award. I only did this with one award because I hadn't saved any links when these "awards" were sent to me due to the fact that I didn't know what the hell to do with them! If you could or would be willing to shed some light on this for me, I'd sure appreciate it - and I'd be thrilled to get that junk off my sight, too.<br />
Thanks Kevin - I feel like a weight has been lifted off me already just having read the suggestion to take those blasted things off!<br />
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"I recommend you dump the "award of elegance" link. Nobody cares about that and the page it links to is horrible." <br />
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(Hey Kevin - I made that awful can see how much I cared..)<!--content-->hmmm...I guess I opened my mouth and inserted my foot when I made the comment about how horrible the page is. My bad. But it is a horrible webpage so maybe the truth has set us free. Enough cliches.<br />
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We all forget to upload an image sometimes, especially if the image is already cached and we think it is uploaded but it really isn't...<br />
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Anyway....the so called awards. They mean nothing. Most are started by folks because they saw someone else do it so they thought they would do it, you know, monkey see monkey do type of thing. Make a cute little graphic and start handing out awards. They are harmless but most folks quickly figure out that they are meaningless. You are never under any obligation to anyone that wants to give you an award.<br />
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Maybe others will have a different opinion....<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Hehe..I know that page is awful, it's okay - but golly, give me an "E" for effort for putting on a background, okay?? You gave me a good laugh with that and I tend to agree with your train of thought. I really believed I was obligated to put those things up. I really didn't expect anyone to look at them, though. I've never looked at anyone's while on their site and quite frankly, I've got more important things I'm working on than all that fooling around with those graphics. <br />
I do appreciate the thought behind them, but would rather keep them on a floppy...<br />
Thanks Kevin - I did take the link and graphic off the home page, btw. Was happy to and it does look much better. I had already reduced that award by half the original size...<!--content-->