Avoiding duplicate code (PHP)


New Member
As a sysadmin, I end up doing some simple ad-hoc programming every once in a while. I'm trying to learn as I go along, so in general, is there anything in the code below that jumps out at you as being bad practise or otherwise unnecessary?Specifically, the 3 if statements at the end feels like I'm duplicating code unnecessarily. Is there any way to shorten it further without going overboard with complexity?\[code\]<?phpdefine('TAKEN', 'Match: One');define('AVAIL', 'Match: No Matches');define('DATAMINE', 'Data mining count exceeded');$ch = curl_init("http://co.za/cgi-bin/whois.sh?Domain=example");curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);$output = curl_exec($ch);function search_whois($findit) { global $output; if (strpos($output, $findit) === false) return false; if (is_int(strpos($output, $findit))) return true;}if (search_whois(TAKEN)) echo "Domain is taken.\n";if (search_whois(AVAIL)) echo "Domain is available.\n";if (search_whois(DATAMINE)) echo "Blocked for datamining, try again later.\n";// var_dump($output);?>\[/code\]