Avoid repeating datasrc="id" with external .xml


New Member
In my .htm file I have this:

<xml id="staff_data" src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"test.xml"></xml>

<div name="table1">
<span datasrc="#staff_data" datafld="employee"></span>

<div name="table2">
<span datasrc="#staff_data" datafld="department"></span>

My external .xml file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Question 1:
I want to reuse the data from datasrc="#staff_data" later on in the document, but I don't want to repeat datasrc="#staff_data" every single time. Is there a way to avoid this? I've tried to put datasrc="#staff_data" in the <body> tag, but it doesn't work.

Question 2:
If I have understood it correctly, I can present the xml data in two ways:

Alt. 1:
<span datasrc="#staff_data" datafld="first"></span>


Alt. 2:
<div datasrc="#staff_data" datafld="first">

Is there an easier way to do this, e.g. using a method similar to PHP?
For instance:
<?xml print $employee ?>

As you've probably understood by now I am very new to XML. In other words, your help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards