Autosubmit Login Info In Url


Staff member
I am looking to embed in the URL the username and password to autosubmit login info for access to files in a protected directory. I've done this with other sites, but can't figure out how or if I can do this with my TCH site. Here is what I am currently doing:<br /><br /><a href="http://mydomain/protecteddirectory/filename.ext?User" target="_blank">http://mydomain/protecteddirectory/filename.ext?User</a> ID$=username&Password$=password<br /><br />I am using User ID$ and Password$ because that is what gets me in when I autosubmit to access my cPanel (via an autosubmit program I use to help manage access to websites). It does not appear to be working here, as it pops up the username and password dialog box. <br /><br />Any suggestions? Thanks.<br /><br />Ed S.<!--content-->
You can try something like this:<br /><br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->http://username:p[email protected]/protected/filename.ext<!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br /><br />No guarantee it will work.<!--content-->
That seems to work. Thanks.<br /><br />Ed S.<!--content-->