I am using the following jquery plugin : ChosenIn this case the Selected and Disabled Support > Multiple SelectThere is not much code to show the select looks right now like this : \[code\]<select data-placeholder="Your Favorite Types of Bear" style="width:350px;" multiple class="chzn-select" tabindex="8"> <option value=""></option> <option>American Black Bear</option> <option>Asiatic Black Bear</option> <option>Brown Bear</option> <option>Giant Panda</option> <option selected>Sloth Bear</option> <option disabled>Sun Bear</option> <option selected>Polar Bear</option> <option disabled>Spectacled Bear</option> </select>\[/code\]The options should be switch to something matching the typings.The problems I got now is this : [*]How do I integrate this with a regular ASP.NET form? Will the selection in the select really be sent to the service on submit?[*]How do I populate the select based on what the user types? I Do know how regular jquery looks like for ajax calls against my ASP.NET Actions but the problem is to integrate with this control both the typing event and the fill event.The thought is to implement something similar to the tag system here on stackoverflow.