automatically input data into textarea?


Staff member

We use apache, mysql and PHP4 to build web-based database. Right now I have gene sequences in our database.

How can I directly and automatically get those sequences into my PHP textarea?

I tried like these:

After I connected with my database, code below:

// Execute the Statement

$query = " Select seq5 from Seq where CloneID = '$CloneID' ";

$result = safe_query ($query, $link);

while ($sequence = mysql_fetch_array($result)

echo $sequence["seq5"];

<textarea name="sequence" value="$sequence" rows=6 cols=60></textarea>

Above and below these codes aren't displayed. I could retrieve those sequenced, however, sequences couldn't be stored in textarea instead of above it. So I couldn't do next search.

In addition, do you know that PHP have any possibilites to format sequence like perl script? Perl script may abstract sequence and then display 70 character each line...

Do you have any good suggestions and comments?

Appreciate your helps,
