automatically change of image [rollover] by every new load?

Hi! I'm new :) <br />
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I would like to have on the index.html site an image [rollover] that is by every new load automatically changing. Is there anyone outthere who has an idea? [see sample at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->]<br />
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highly appreciated any hint, thanks!!!! NICI<!--content-->It would require JavaScript.<!--content-->thanks, but do I have to learn javascript in order to do that? <br />
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I'm sorry for being so ignorant but everyone starts somewhere. <br />
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So there is no way to do that with dreamweaver or flash???<br />
thanks again, NICI<!--content-->There is probably a Flash solution, but I'm not completely sure.<!--content-->i dont think its possible in flash but you may want to check out <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><!--content-->A simple search in Google with the words "random+image+refresh" will return plenty of sites that explain how to do it. Try for instance <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... efresh.asp</a><!-- m -->. />
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Just add the word "Flash" to your search to see Flash solutions.<br />
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Cheers, Jochem :cool:<!--content-->math.random() is the only way that i no of<!--content-->Math.random here to but wouldnt it be easier with php?<!--content-->Shoot I like to have control, I have an ad rotator written in that allows me to control the impressions,<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _submitted</a><!-- m -->)/adrotator.aspx<!--content-->thanks so much to all of you!!!!<br />
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Especially to Jochem, who sended me a great link, where I could just copy and paste the code and had to adjust a little bit my stuff into it. wonderful!<br />
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I tried to check out this link, but couldn't get into it:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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while I am in, I am also searching to find out, how I can have implemented a picture or animation or designed type into an email? No attachment, just if you're open you the mail, it shows up automatically.<br />
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it's a great forum!<br />
and if anyone needs an design eye, I'm more than happy to help out. <br />
thanks!!!<br />
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NICI :)<!--content-->the link in my post is working fine, the one you posted is not <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _submitted</a><!-- m -->)/adrotator.aspx<br />
is the full url, not .... But it does not really matter, it is a nice script but it requires a windows server and so it probably would not work for you anyway. I just like it because you can control how often an image is displayed while still getting a new one each time. It is an adrotator that lets you set the impressions.<!--content-->