Automatic Table tags


This is my first post to this board. I just found it while surfing the web.<br />
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I would really appreciate help on what is most likely a simple setting within FrontPage 2002. Last week I finished the content for my new website, but one major problem I am experiencing is the automatic table tag insertion within the code whenever I save a page after creating or editing. <br />
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My home page (asp) cannot have a table tag at the bottom of the page; the result is my content is placed below the left side menu on every page when viewed over the web. My web developer is not experienced with FrontPage, but she has heard there is an options setting to disable the automatic table tag insertion. I am not that technical myself, and cannot seem to find the setting.<br />
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I am hoping someone can help me.<br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->Welcome algo, I don't use FrontPage anymore and it's no longer on my computer. Equally, very few people here use it as well. Consequently, I'm a little unsure exactly what you mean when you say a "table tag at the bottom of the page" and "automatic table insertion". <br />
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I think the easiest way to start would be if you gave us the URL for your page so we could have a look and maybe at least see what you mean.<br />
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Neil<!--content-->I would have to agree with Neil, hardly anybody use it on here and that psot is just another reason not too. FrontPage inserts a lot of code that is not needed or just a waste. edit the html file yourself and take the table off.<br />
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oh, and welcome to the forums algo :)<!--content-->Thank you both for your replies. I will simply edit the pages within notepad, then ftp to the site while I try to find a fix for the FrontPage's automatic insertions.<br />
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FrontPage really bites!! I'll move to Dreamweaver...<br />
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Take care!:)<!--content-->I realize this may not actually help a whole lot, since I don't know where it is, but I do know for a fact that there is a way to turn off the automatic HTML formatting in newer versions of FrontPage. Don't look specifically for the insertion of the table, just look for an option that says something like: leave HTML alone, or disable auto fixing.<br />
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I hope that helps.<!--content-->Doog,<br />
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I'll look into that. Thanks so much!<!--content-->