Automatic resizing of text


I have a spreadsheet that I export directly to an HTML format. It can be seen here:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Is there any method to get this to automatically resize so the entire thing fits into a large frame on a webpage? Or at least the width of it so the viewer only has to scroll one direction?<br />
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Thanks,<br />
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Haggy<!--content-->Try setting the widths in % based values so that it adjusts to screen size thus no horizontal scroll bar.<br />
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But mate im glad im not the one having to change all to % becuase the spreadsheet has been exported to some extremely wild messy code and alot of css classes.<br />
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Have fun<!--content-->yea, it is very messy. That is what I get for using Excel to export it automatically. <br />
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I did try the percent but that failed to work. I think I may have to redesign it somehow.<!--content-->