Automatic PM


New Member

i am using a vbulletin 3.8.2... i want to that if there's a way to send automatic Pm to my new members..... and if somone's thread is moderated he/she gets an automatic PM describing Thread Move or Thread Deleted

tell me any hack for this

you can send a PM to new members automatically, its somewhere in vboptions in admincp. But i dont know about the second one
Welcome PM on register.
vBulletin Options > User Registration Options >> Welcome Private Message.
Enabling this option will send a welcome private message to new users. Please input the username of the user that this PM is to be sent from. To alter or translate this message, use the following links:

[PM Title] [PM Body]

Note: If you require emails to be verified, this message will be sent after the user has activated his or her account. Also ensure that Receive Private Messages is enabled in Default Registration Options below.