Automatic Page Update


How can I send a message from a web server to a client page to refresh itself due to changes on the server?<!--content-->I suppose you could use a meta tag stick it in your head tag the syntax looks like this if I remember correctly:<br />
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="???"> <br />
where the ??? are the amount of time in seconds until the browser should reload the page.<!--content-->you can't. the only thing you can do is refresh the page like ThEBoBoNgUS said. but that is not practicle. the page will refresh all the time, not wha t ausers wants to see. you can also stick some other mta tags up in the header to tell th browser not to cache and load from the server all the time.<br />
<br />
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"><br />
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache"><br />
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"><!--content-->I don't like to poll the server on fixed intervals but to trigger the client browser t make the refresh. This is a banking monitoring system, 1000 transactions can pass in 1 minute while having hours doing nothing. And since this monitoring will be done remotely even from another country it is advisable not to refresh every second. The connection is encrypted over SSL to be secure. What I want is to be informed that a transaction is going on in the system<!--content-->You would have to do client-side scripting. Something like writing an applet that opens up a different port to your server (like java chat applets), which your users would first have to click on to approve Download <!--more-->ing the applet. I'd guess that this would be a lot of work on your part to figure out how to do this if you don't already know about how HTML pages are basically stateless, i.e., don't know anything by themselves, and only display stuff -- sounds like you would be better off forgetting this feature or finding a specialist who can write you one to your specs.<!--content-->