Automated Login Script?


New Member
Anybody have an auto login script to pass username and password to vB? Preferably PHP.

I need to automatically log a user into a vbulletin forum and set the cookies etc so the user can access the forum with a text reader. Any ideas?
so the user can access the forum with a text reader

what the fuck?

If you want to login from external pages, just check the <form> of a login code and edit it for your own project. I think there was some plugin that did this automatically.
this can be done by a curl script in php

i have just made a little curl script that logs into my phpbb3 forum, then follows redirects, have not done it yet but will made this mod for my new vbullitein forum

i am using this to scrape posts from other forums, copy the post, loginto my forum, then post copyed thread to a rel forum on my forum

using it to scrape adult posts to build up my forum

could also be used to message all users in a forum as well if memners list is available
thanks, I was looking right at the solution and didn't see it because of the dumb redirect problem that needed a one liner to fix it.

Thanks very much for the feedback, I appreciate it.