autocomplete with, jquery and lucene


New Member
I want to use autocomplete for my search box by getting autocomplete/suggestions from my lucene index. I am facing problem with EdgeNGramTokenFilter. Here is the error message and the complete EdgeNGramTokenFilter class.Error Message:Warning as Error: 'Lucene.Net.Analysis.TokenStream.Next()' is obsolete: '@"The returned Token is a ""full private copy"" (not re-used across calls to Next()) but will be slower than calling Next(Token) or using the new IncrementToken() method with the new AttributeSource API."'Code:\[code\]using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using Lucene.Net.Analysis;using Lucene.Net.Analysis.Tokenattributes;/// <summary>/// Tokenizes the given token into n-grams of given size(s)./// This {@link TokenFilter} create n-grams from the beginning edge or ending edge of a input token./// </summary>public class EdgeNGramTokenFilter : TokenFilter{ public static Side DEFAULT_SIDE = Side.FRONT; public static int DEFAULT_MAX_GRAM_SIZE = 1; public static int DEFAULT_MIN_GRAM_SIZE = 1; // Replace this with an enum when the Java 1.5 upgrade is made, the impl will be simplified // Specifies which side of the input the n-gram should be generated from public class Side { private string label; /** Get the n-gram from the front of the input */ public static Side FRONT = new Side("front"); /** Get the n-gram from the end of the input */ public static Side BACK = new Side("back"); // Private ctor private Side(string label) { this.label = label; } public string getLabel() { return label; } // Get the appropriate Side from a string public static Side getSide(string sideName) { if (FRONT.getLabel().Equals(sideName)) { return FRONT; } else if (BACK.getLabel().Equals(sideName)) { return BACK; } return null; } } private int minGram; private int maxGram; private Side side; private char[] curTermBuffer; private int curTermLength; private int curGramSize; private int tokStart; private TermAttribute termAtt; private OffsetAttribute offsetAtt; protected EdgeNGramTokenFilter(TokenStream input) : base(input) { this.termAtt = (TermAttribute)AddAttribute(typeof(TermAttribute)); this.offsetAtt = (OffsetAttribute)AddAttribute(typeof(OffsetAttribute)); } /** * Creates EdgeNGramTokenFilter that can generate n-grams in the sizes of the given range * * @param input {@link TokenStream} holding the input to be tokenized * @param side the {@link Side} from which to chop off an n-gram * @param minGram the smallest n-gram to generate * @param maxGram the largest n-gram to generate */ public EdgeNGramTokenFilter(TokenStream input, Side side, int minGram, int maxGram) : base(input) { if (side == null) { throw new System.ArgumentException("sideLabel must be either front or back"); } if (minGram < 1) { throw new System.ArgumentException("minGram must be greater than zero"); } if (minGram > maxGram) { throw new System.ArgumentException("minGram must not be greater than maxGram"); } this.minGram = minGram; this.maxGram = maxGram; this.side = side; this.termAtt = (TermAttribute)AddAttribute(typeof(TermAttribute)); this.offsetAtt = (OffsetAttribute)AddAttribute(typeof(OffsetAttribute)); } /** * Creates EdgeNGramTokenFilter that can generate n-grams in the sizes of the given range * * @param input {@link TokenStream} holding the input to be tokenized * @param sideLabel the name of the {@link Side} from which to chop off an n-gram * @param minGram the smallest n-gram to generate * @param maxGram the largest n-gram to generate */ public EdgeNGramTokenFilter(TokenStream input, string sideLabel, int minGram, int maxGram) : this(input, Side.getSide(sideLabel), minGram, maxGram) { } public override bool IncrementToken() { while (true) { if (curTermBuffer == null) { if (!input.IncrementToken()) { return false; } else { curTermBuffer = (char[])termAtt.TermBuffer().Clone(); curTermLength = termAtt.TermLength(); curGramSize = minGram; tokStart = offsetAtt.StartOffset(); } } if (curGramSize <= maxGram) { if (!(curGramSize > curTermLength // if the remaining input is too short, we can't generate any n-grams || curGramSize > maxGram)) { // if we have hit the end of our n-gram size range, quit // grab gramSize chars from front or back int start = side == Side.FRONT ? 0 : curTermLength - curGramSize; int end = start + curGramSize; ClearAttributes(); offsetAtt.SetOffset(tokStart + start, tokStart + end); termAtt.SetTermBuffer(curTermBuffer, start, curGramSize); curGramSize++; return true; } } curTermBuffer = null; } } public override Token Next(Token reusableToken) { return base.Next(reusableToken); } public override Token Next() { return base.Next(); } public override void Reset() { base.Reset(); curTermBuffer = null; }}\[/code\]I searched a bit but didn't find any idea, so help is appreciated.Thank You.