\[code\] var technicianServiceUrl = "../../../AJAX/HumanResources/TechnicianServiceAjax.svc/"; var proxyTechnician = new serviceProxy(technicianServiceUrl); var technicians; $("#<%= txtTechnician.ClientID %>").autocomplete({ source: function (request, response) { response([{ label: "Loading...", loading: true}]); proxyTechnician.invoke("SearchTechniciansByName", { "request": { "PartialName": request.term } }, OnGetTechniciansComplete, OnError ); function OnGetTechniciansComplete(result) { alert("test"); var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(result); technicians = obj.Technicians; alert(technicians[0]); response($.map(eval(technicians), function (item) { return { label: item.FirstName + ' ' + item.Surname, value: item.ID } })); } }, select: function (event, data) { $("#<%= txtTechnician.ClientID %>").val(data.item.label); $("#<%= hfTechnician.ClientID %>").val(data.item.value) return false; }, minLength: 3 });\[/code\]This code doesnt work, how should I code the auto complete in JQuery. In debugging I cannot see the Post function that getting the response in Json.h