Auto-reply Email: How to code?


Hi all. I need to add code to my site that when a user provides their name, address, and Email for more information, that I send a confirmation Email back to them. Where do I find examples? I'm not even sure what to search on. Many thanks!<!--content-->ok this cannot be done with html, it is done with a server side language, it can be done with asp,, php, cgi, shtml, etc. But you need to have smtp server access to do it<!--content-->Thanks. Our small company site is on a server at a local web hosting company. Should I contact them as to our capabilities? What questions should I ask? Any other suggestions for a rookie like me?<!--content-->It sounds to me like what you are looking for is an autoresponder. You should check with your hosts if you can get one. Basically, you will then have some form handler send you the results to an email address, and have an autoresponder set up to reply to the incoming messages.<!--content-->Thanks PeOfEo and Pyro, I'll contact them and see what I can find out. Neal<!--content-->