Auto Page Resize

I have come across here where all the content appears to resize itself according to the size of the screen (or shall I say browser) of the this strictly a CSS issue or is there something I am overlooking as I put together my page in my web making program?<!--content-->Well, the challenge lies in the fact that I have a big screen with a 1024 x 768 if I tailor the graphics to be visible on my may look gargantuan on a 15 inch 800 x 600 screen resolution.<br />
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So if I made a page on my big screen and used a 800 x 600 table it would resize???<br />
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I don't want keep changing my screen resolution everytime I use Dreamweaver or Frontpage in order to maintain size ratios because then I'd have to keep resizing my icons and all so what is the easiest and least painful course of action?<!--content-->I can try that..I use Dreamweaver and somewhere on the bottom it has a thing for chainging the window to 800 x 600...but as I recall, even using a didn't seem to work so well....but...gotta keep trying I suppose.<br />
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Either that or just use frames.<!--content-->