auto generating the doctor unit id using php, codeigniter!


New Member
i'm developing a site using codeigniter, in my app i have this scenario
  • each patient is assigned to a doctorunit and there are 6 doctor unitsoperating in the hospital
  • some times one or two doctor units may be not operating
  • some doctor units are not operating is certain days, i.e one can operate on monday,wednesday and friday... like wise
so i have to auto generate the doctor unit number according to the arrival at the registration, how can i do this? how to track the previous unit assigned and assign the next one? query the operating units at the beginning keeping it in a array and auto generating, would that be appropriate? or using JavaScript to do it in the client side,would that be appropriate?if suddenly doctor unit stops working, i will need to be dynamic enough to work on that condition also, how to achieve that kind of things using any approach?regards,Rangana