Auto cursor not applying in Gecko inside GXT grids


New Member
DepictionThis seems like a rendering engine quirk, as it had been tested and failed to reproduce on WebKit driven browsers (Chrome and Safari for Windows).When using a deep nested DOM structure, such as the GXT \[code\]Grid\[/code\], the \[code\]default\[/code\] cursor seem to override any other style applied. How to override it?Test CaseSteps To Reproduce(Requires basic knowledge of your favored browser's developer tools)[*]Visit the GXT 2.2.x examples showcase.[*]Right-click a cell text value in the grid and click Inspect Element, or hit \[code\]F12\[/code\] to open the developer tools and than inspect that element manually. You should be inspecting an element notated as: \[code\]div.x-grid3-cell-inner.x-grid3-col-name\[/code\].[*]In the Styles view, look for a rule matching the following selector: \[code\].x-grid3-row\[/code\], it should have a single declared property for \[code\]cursor\[/code\]. Change its value from \[code\]default\[/code\] to \[code\]auto\[/code\].Expected ResultThe cursor should be rendered according to the element's type, e.g. text cursor for text content elements.Actual ResultOn Gecko based browsers, the default cursor appears regardless of the element's type.