auto creat xml document through forum


Staff member
Hi, I am new to xml, so I don't know a whole lot about it, but what I am kind of wondering if it is possible to create a forum that once you input the data and hit submit it auto creates a xml document. That way I can create another document that will take that xml and display it on another page.

I don't expect anyone to write the code for me. I just want a little help. Maybe a site that has tutorials on this or something. I'm not even sure this is possible.

In he long run what I am looking for is to have a forum page that everyone who works on my site can go out to. Input all the updates etc then have it auto create a seperate page for my php code to go out and grab it and display it on the net. That way really the only thing I have to upload is like pictures etc.

Thanks in advance for all the help. If you need more info just let me know.

Thanks again,
