Attachments No Popup & Auto Upload (v1.0)


New Member
Attachments No Popup & Auto Upload v1.0

This hack was created on a custom job that I am doing for a third party and they gave me permission to release it to the community. It requires several template REPLACEMENTS, but most are minor and should not affect your forums layout. To be prudent BACKUP YOUR TEMPLATES before installing this hack.

This hack is a use at your own risk mod!

What does it do?

As part of the custom job, the client requested a way to make the upload attachments part not require a popup window. Currently, when you upload attachments to threads, you click the manage attachments button and a popup appears and you upload your attachments.

This modification will keep the uploads on the same page (no popup).

Auto uploading is also a feature. When a user browses to the file and selects it, the file is automatically uploaded so the user does not have to click the upload button. I don't know about you guys, but there has been a few times I forget to hit that stupid upload button.

Will this work for your forum?

Well, I have no idea, and honestly it really is not my concern. This should work for a new installation of a Vbulletin forum. It could be possible that you have mod'd your templates to the point where this mod may adversely affect your layout and function.