Attachment problem


New Member
I installed 3.7.5 vbulletin and when i tried to attach above 100 kb , getting some error.. screnshot is below..pls help anyone...

my hoster is enabled open_basedir i can overcome it..??

i can upload huge sized files through url...but from' just 100 kb..
Find out from your cPanel php Info what the current open_basedir paths are and add your forum root to the end of that in a php.ini placed in your forum root in a command that reads:

open_basedir = /path/number/one:/path/number/two:/path/number/three:/your/forum/root

Alternatively, you could also put that in the form of a php_value in your .htaccess file.

Most likely your host is running safe_mode, a part of which is open_basedir. Maybe you could convince your host to remove safe_mode for your account or move you to a server where it is not used.
open_basedir = /home:/usr:/tmp:/var/netenburg:[color=Red]/your/forum/root[/color]

Put that in a php.ini file in your forum root (changing /your/forum/root to what you need it to be) and see if that helps.