have this program i need to write for class....having alot of trouble....this is a entry level class..... here is the program guidelines....<br /><br />Write an Assembly program that reads a non-negative integer (0 - 32,767) in decimal and prints its equivalent in binary after making sure it's non-negative. The output must show all 16 bits. AND YOU MUST USE A LOOP and local variables for producing and outputing the bits. For example, if input is 120, output should be:<br />0000000001111000. <br />If input is -120, output should be: <br />Enter a non-negative number only.<br /><br />Hint: To get the remainder of a number divided by 2, AND the number with 1. So, 13 % 2 is accomplished by doing 13 AND 1.<br /><br /><br />Thank you for any input or advice