.aspx to work


New Member
I download and installed the SDK and I am running windows2000, IIS5 and IE5.5 and I can&#039t get any .aspx file to run. The samples that came with the SDK run fine, but when I try to write my one I get an error. How to you take your own .aspx and get it to run?<BR><BR><BR>BillWhat directory is the .aspx file you&#039re creating in? Also, what is the .aspx code? Hopefully something simple, like:<BR><BR><HTML><BR><BODY><BR>Hello, world!<BR></BODY><BR></HTML><BR><BR>Does that simple HTML page (with the .aspx extension) work?The directory is are in the default directory that setup.exe put them in. I am just doing simple stuff.<BR><BR><BR>BillWhat is the error message that you receive?