ASP/XSL transform problem


Staff member
I am terribly vexed. I can't get my XML to transform with the XSL templatewhen I run it on my remote webhost.Below is ASP code that creates a webpage from an "transformNode" method call.When I run it against my webhost server, all I get back is the XSL.When I run it on my local computer with either PWS, VB, or XML Spy, the transformationgenerates the page I want from the template (XSL).Things I know:1. My local machine has Windows 98 SE, and both MSXML 3 and 4.2. I had the webmaster install MSXML 3 on the webhost server. I tested itby making a call to instantiate the parser in the following way:Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")[I could load this DOM and return XML from it]3. Webhost computer is running NT4Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!--------------CODE--------------------Option ExplicitDim objXMLDim objXSLDim objXslDocElementDim strMessageDim strResultDim strXmlFilePathDim strXslFilePathSet objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")objXML.async = falseSet objXSL = Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")objXSL.async = falsestrXmlFilePath = Server.MapPath("detailfm.xml")strXslFilePath = Server.MapPath("detailfrm.xsl")If objXML.load(strXmlFilePath) ThenIf objXSL.load(strXslFilePath) ThenSet objXslDocElement = objXSL.documentElementIf Not (objXslDocElement Is Nothing) ThenstrResult = objXML.transformNode(objXslDocElement)Response.Write strResultEnd IfEnd IfEnd If