ASP/XML/XSLT transformations failing under Win2000


Staff member
> I have found a bug when transforming the XML from FileMaker using ASPand> > Windows 2000 on fast HW. Initially I thought it was my installationof> > Windows 2000 Professional as it worked just dandy on a PIII 500MHzSamsung> > laptop and a PIII 600MHz Sharp laptop. I then began to think that maybeit> > was a PIV issue as I am running a Dell 1.4GHz.> >> > However, when my code had the same problems on the clients new CompaqPIII> > 800MHz server (don't have the model to hand) I came to the conclusionthat> > it may be a speed/timing issue with ASP/Windows 2000. I can run my code> > successfully on my Dell under (dare I say it) Windows ME. I haven'ttried> NT> > 4.0 on fast HW as I am pretty confident that it will work and it doesn'thelp> me> > to solve the issue with 2000 when this is what the client has installed.> >Any thoughts would be appreciatedHere is a snippet of the code> <%@ LANGUAGE=JScript %>> <%Response.Buffer = false%>> <HTML>> <HEAD></HEAD>> <BODY>>> <%> var xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.3.0");> var xslDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.3.0");>> xmlDoc.async = true;> xslDoc.async = true;>>>//xmlDoc.load("http://localhost:591/FMPro?-db=TestWin2000.fp5&-format=-fmp_x> ml&-lay=weblist1&-max=10&-sortfield=Company&-find");>> xmlDoc.load(Server.MapPath("TestWin2000.xml"));>> xslDoc.load(Server.MapPath("TestWin2000.xsl"));>> Response.Write(xmlDoc.transformNode(xslDoc));>>> %>> </BODY>> </HTML>