ASP Request.BinaryRead equivalent for PHP or Python or PERL or Rubyonrails


New Member
I have a simple ASP page that receives an "upload" of an image from a video camera and stores it in a global var...\[code\]//http_upload.asp<%biData = len(bidata) > 0 then Application("imageSize") = LenB(biData) Application("theImage") = biData end if%><html><body>File uploaded successfully!</body></html>\[/code\]I am on a NEW ISP (network solutions) and this is their small-unix package so no ASP...They do support PHP,Python,PERL & RubyonrailsI need an equivalent page that will accept an upload from the camera (at a remote site) andput it in a global var so I can display it.. with ..\[code\]//readimage.asp<%Response.Buffer = TrueResponse.ClearResponse.Expires = 0Response.AddHeader"Cache-Control","no-cache"Response.AddHeader"Pragma","no-cache"Response.contenttype = "image/jpeg"Dim b b = Application("theImage")Response.binarywrite bResponse.End%>\[/code\]Or it's equivalent The implementation with ASP is done in the following way:In a Global.asa file a global variable is defined that will contain the entire image file. The http_upload script will insert the image file into this global variable and update it when a new image is sent from the camera. The readImage will simply get the global variable and send it to the user.I have a java version of the "viewer" that uses the above readimage.asp as the "file" // This is the path to the image generating asp file. var File = "live/readImage.asp";I need help converting the ASP code to one of the available technologies.. ANY suggestions on which one is best to work? OR point me in the right direction.. I am not familiar with the UNIX tech stack... any suggestions are welcome....Thanks in advance..-Ken