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Hi & Happy NY!<BR><BR>I need to do some custom stuff inside the datarepeater and therefore need to get the value of a field that is currently 'repeating' but because it is in asp tags, i cant use the normal data binding technique...<BR><BR>Here goes:<BR><BR>----------------------------------------<BR><ASP:Repeater id="rptDepartments" runat="server"> <BR> <itemtemplate> <BR> Department: <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Name")%><BR> 'the above is a-okay as it should be...<BR> <%<BR>' I need to call a stored procedure using the departmentid, but<BR>how can i get the binded value for this current repeated item?<BR> response.write (<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "DepartmentId")%>) 'this causes problemo...<BR>%><BR><BR></itemtemplate> <BR><BR>---------------------------------<BR><BR>Thanks!<BR><BR>Ps. Scott - I had a problem with this post, i read one of the threads off the main .net board and from there clicked onto start a new thread - my post then went awol, or its on another messageboard (?)The start a new thread goes to ASP Q & A