
Hi All,

You'll have to forgive my ignorance here (the main reason being that I don't presently have access to a PDA), but I'm looking at writing a project in ASP (not .NET), but can't find anything clearly on the net that states whether a PDA will handle basic ASP pages. If not, then I guess I'll Have to use .NET, but I want to avoid this if at all possible, to keep the project small.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Paul.Lets clear this up really fast.

First thing, ASP is just a technology that is server side. Not client side. The webserver doesn't care if its Outputs HTML , plain text or an Image, that is up to the programmer.

I haven't tried to program for a PDA but i can do a bit of research for you you can actually debug with a simulated PDA device.Thanks for getting back, afterburn.

I'm not experienced enough, yet to write the project in .NET, hence the ASP approach. I realise that .NET has the debugging features within to handle the debugging, though.

I understand the difference between server and client. It looks like the question I'm looking for an answer for is "Can the PDA be addressed as the LOCALHOST, as you can with a desktop PC?"

Thanks again, afterburn.
