In ASP.NET<BR>Its given that<BR>Components need not be registered with MTS or Regsrvr32 AND COMPONENTS MAKE NO REGISTRY CHANGES TO SERVER. Any page using a component guarantees it is registered on the fly.<BR><BR>With respect to the above statement i would like to know how it will differentiate between a MTS enabled component and non-MTS enabled componets.<BR><BR>Thanx in advance.<BR> <BR>well, the thing is, that MTS is no longer in the mix... any component that was compiled using the regular old COM architecture, will still have to be registered to be available...<BR><BR>to be able to access a .NET've got to use the command line compilers that come with the .NET framework BETA, and throw them in the /bin directory... then you can just import the namespace on any given page in that app.<BR><BR>Hope it helps,<BR>Joel M