ASP.NET with Win98


New Member
Is there any way to get ASP.NET to work with Win98? I want to be able to write/test scripts before I have to upload them on my server.Nope. You need Windows 2000, or XP Professional.Could anyone tell the reason why ASP.NET is not function in win98??? I click on the setup file but the message just told me that I've missed out a file named : serversetup.hta<BR>Thanks a lot...You may want to try DreamWeaver MX on Win98 From just released but I think you still need a win2000 for .Net framework serverNT 4sp6 will work as a framework server as well.<BR><BR><BR>But you need IIS >=5 to serve ASP.NetThey didn't build it to work that way. It just doesn't. Sorry.