New Member
I am currently learning ASP.Net with visual C# in class and one of our assignments has us create a boolean variable for live music, flowers, and max guests and if live music and flowers is true we have to add a cost up in the total. I'm not sure how to explain it all that well, but maybe if you see what I've gotten so far.\[code\] string nameEvent = "Smith Wedding"; int numGuest = 300; int costGuest = 30; int numLimo = 3; int numLimoCost = 100; int total = (numGuest * 30)+(numLimo * numLimoCost); int music = 1; int buyFlowers = 1; int bar = 1; bool liveMusic = music == 1 ? true : false; bool flowers = buyFlowers == 1 ? true : false; bool openBar = bar == 1 ? true : false; bool max = numGuest < 500 ? true : false; Response.Write("Total is " + total + "$");\[/code\]