Hi All:<BR><BR>I know a lot of you use Brinkster.com for free internet hosting.<BR>While I was successful in using it to host my classic ASP, I am having problem running my ASP.NET pages.<BR><BR>I have followed their instructions for uploading ASP.NET projects.<BR><BR>Has anyone been able to run ASP.NET Pages using brinkster?<BR>If so, could you please write us instructions on how to do so?<BR>the instructions they have at brinkster.com are not that great.<BR><BR>Thank you very much.<BR><BR>I'm using brinkster, but I use the premium service. What exactly can't you get to work?Hi <BR>Well tell me wht type of .net pages ur trying to upload<BR>if ur using DB Microsoft access there is a little variation<BR>so if u r using simple .net pages i guess u shuldnot face any pro<BR>DhirajI've uploaded some asp.net files to brinkster for testing and found no problems with their operation so far.<BR><BR>I uploaded the various aspx files, access mdb file and a couple of related files (chart makers, etc).<BR><BR>I didn't do anything unusual in the upload other than adding a bin folder in the root directory and a global.asax file (since the global.asa isn't applicable).<BR><BR>Can't say it will be trouble free in all cases, but I am having good luck accessing the database files, passing variables between pages, etc. I'm using datagrids, the drawing namespace for charts and things like that.<BR><BR>You didn't specify what problems you are having.<BR><BR>Good luck<BR>Tom T