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I've got an ASP.NET web forms application, running on .NET 4.5 using the new Bundling and Minification features from the Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization package.So far it's a very simple setup just with a single bundle.BundleConfig.cs\[code\]public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles){ bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/send").Include( "~/scripts/GrowingInput.js", "~/scripts/textboxlist/TextboxList.js", "~/scripts/textboxlist/TextboxList.Livesearch.js", "~/scripts/combobox/ui.combobox.js", "~/scripts/jquery-ui-timepicker.js", "~/scripts/msp.send.js"));}\[/code\]Global.asax\[code\]protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e){ BundleConfig.RegisterBundles(BundleTable.Bundles);}\[/code\]Send.aspx\[code\]<%: Scripts.Render("/bundles/send") %>\[/code\]This is always rendered in a web browser as \[code\]<script src=""></script>\[/code\] ignoring whether debug is set to true or false in web.config. I've tried adding \[code\]BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;\[/code\] to BundleConfig.cs to force bundling off but this makes no difference.Looking to get the following working like it does in MVC sites (Microsoft documentation seems to suggest web forms should be the same).[*]Get bundling to turn on/off with the debug flag[*]Append the cache-busting ?v=xxx querystring for versioning.