web.config in virtual directory is not overriding parent website's web.config


New Member
I've got a website which has a virtual directory that also includes a website, and when I try to launch a page from the virtual directory, I receive an IIS 7.5 error that the name (from the connection string) is already in the collection. This wasn't a problem before I added a domain user as the Identity in the app pool. Does anyone know why this is happening? I was under the impression that sub level application's web.config overrides the parent's by default. And again, this was once working until I added a custom Identity.\[quote\] The error on the page is "Parser Error Message: The entry 'dbname' has already been added."\[/quote\]Where the dbname is in both connection strings (i.e. parent and virtual directory). I can't delete one of the connection strings because the virtual directory is only created for test purposes, but in production it runs as its own website.