ASP.NET VB export current page to HTML file


Please help with the code to

I want the user to click on a SAVE button, than the current .aspx file can be saved to C:\ABC.HTM :confused: :confused:

Pls help :)Moved to .NETYou want to write out the current page that the user is viewing (the one the command button is on) to an html file? Or form inputs to an html file?I would like the user to save an acknowledgement page to their harddisk

1. User register an event using event.aspx
2. After successful, the user will directed to Ack.aspx page showing the details
3. On the Ack.aspx, there is a button [SAVE] and when user press on it, the user can save that page to a html file so that she/he can just simply using the IE to reopen that saved page to view or print

Thanks in advance
GY :)Well you can have a button (using js) that would allow the user to save that page to their hard drive, which would be easy. But otherwise you are going to have to do something like write out all of html 2 times, like you will have to put your whole output into a hidden input on ack.aspx so that can be resent when the submit button is clicked and put into a file.Thanks

Can you let me have the js code or code to export the aspx page

Many thanks in advance :)