- Usercontrol + hidden div


New Member
I am having a weird issue with loading my UserControl where I will click on a client button and display the "schedule" div which contains the UserControl. Somehow nothing shows up but all is fine if I remove "display:none" from my schedule div. I was wondering if a UserControl is unable to "sit" inside an invisible div? I check my UserControl but couldn't spot anything unusual. Another important note is that moment I go to inspect element in Chrome, the UserControl will miraculously show up.Can anyone advise? Thanks.Portion of my aspx:\[code\]<%@ Register TagPrefix="Calendar" TagName="Calendar" Src="" %> <li><a id="toggle_cv" class="calendarView" href="" onclick="$('#gridViewContainer').hide(); $('#schedule').show(); $('#toggle_cv').addClass('calendarView_clicked'); $('#toggle_gv').removeClass('grdView_clicked');"><span class="text">Select Calendar View</span></a></li> <div id="schedule" style="margin-top:15px; display:none" > <Calendar:Calendar runat="server" ID="calendar" /> </div> \[/code\]