On referring to this post ASP.net Uploadify Querystring checkbox value, I simply tried to pass the value of a textbox control to FileUploads.aspx.cs but I am unable to get the value, neither using with POST method nor with GET.\[code\]<p> <asp:TextBox ID="tbTrainingName" runat="server" CssClass="TextBox"></asp:TextBox></p><div id="fuFiles"></div> $(document).ready(function () { $('#fuFiles').uploadify({ // Some options 'method' : 'GET', 'uploader': '_scripts/uploadify.swf', 'script': 'FileUploads.aspx?trainingName=' + ('[id$=tbTrainingName]').val() '', 'cancelImg': '_scripts/cancel.png', 'auto': 'true', 'multi': 'true', 'buttonText': 'Upload Files...', 'queueSizeLimit': 3, 'simUploadLimit': 2 }); }); In FileUploads.aspx.cs HttpPostedFile uploads = Request.Files["FileData"]; string file = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(uploads.FileName); \[/code\]I am unable to see any thing in Request.QueryString. Could you help me where I am wrong!! Also if you have any good suggession other than uploadify, please suggest, I am using asp.net 4.0.