Our company has a form setup on our website for scholarship applications and I am having an issue with getting file uploads to work. I am using an asp.net page in C# to handle the form data.From the form:\[code\]<form id="scholarForm" name="scholarForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" runat="server" action="upload_form.aspx"><input id="transcript" type="file" />\[/code\]The asp.net page handling the data (code edited for relevance):\[code\]protected HttpPostedFile transcript;transcript = Request.Files["transcript"];transcript.SaveAs(@"c:\Dollars Applicants\" + fullName + "_" + memberNumber + @"\" + transcript.FileName);\[/code\]This just produces a null reference error and I am not sure why. I have tried uploading several different file types with no success.