ASP.NET Settings Up (IIS)


Hi, I am a complete newbie to ASP.NET. I have been developing PHP for a few years now with apache server. I have a good understanding of OOP. I want to try and learn ASP.NET but first I need to set it up so that it will run on my computer.

I read an article and it said to install the .NET framework (it said that you can get it via windows update and since my computer is up to date I imagine I have it).

The second step was to install IIS. I followed the instructions CP - Add/Remove Programs - Add/Remove Windows Components - check IIS and then continue but it asked me to insert my xp cd and unfortunately I have lost my copy so I don't know what to do from here.

I'd appreciate if someone could help. Thankswell, you need the XP CD to install the requires XP Pro or 2000/2003 servers.

I would suggest downloading the SDK version instead of the standard install. that way you get the debugger and JIT.

Then you will need to have IIS installed.....Hi, I found my cd and followed the instructions word for word from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... erver-(IIS</a><!-- m -->).html. But whenever I view a file via <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://localhost/..">http://localhost/..</a><!-- m -->. (either .aspx or .htm) I get an error that the page cannot be displayed. It says something it not being accessible due to security settings but I followed the instructions to give the directory read, write and display rights. I'd appreciate if you could help further. ThanksHi, I found my cd and followed the instructions word for word from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... erver-(IIS</a><!-- m -->).html. But whenever I view a file via <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://localhost/..">http://localhost/..</a><!-- m -->. (either .aspx or .htm) I get an error that the page cannot be displayed. It says something it not being accessible due to security settings but I followed the instructions to give the directory read, write and display rights. I'd appreciate if you could help further. Thanks

If its an file you might have to run the aspnet_iisreg -i in teh command line at the location %SYSTEM%\\Framework\[v]\

where v is the version of .net installed.

1.1 is 1.1.4322 or something..

if still nothing you might hae to install frontpage extensions to correct your permissions correctly.....If its an file you might have to run the aspnet_iisreg -i in teh command line at the location %SYSTEM%\\Framework\[v]\

where v is the version of .net installed.

1.1 is 1.1.4322 or something..

if still nothing you might hae to install frontpage extensions to correct your permissions correctly.....

Hi I installed frontpage extensions and now every file is working except the .aspx ones. Any ideas?Hi, just a note to say that I tried the default directory (c:/inetpub/wwwroot) as my home directory and it worked fine but when I changed it to what I would prefer to use it did not work.Hi, just a note to say that I tried the default directory (c:/inetpub/wwwroot) as my home directory and it worked fine but when I changed it to what I would prefer to use it did not work.

using th command line use:
run=>cmd->cd %system%\\[v]\

where [v] is the most recent version installed... from there use the exe... aspnet_iisreg -i command.