ASP.NET + Sending Emails


i have a system that sends users emails upon authorization of their requests. When they initially make the request, their windows login is associated with the request. Normally when sending emails, i can just type use their login in the email and Outlook will resolve it. However if i try to do so using ASP.NET SMTP email, it does not know how to resolve it, since Outlook does the work, not the server (i think). I have seen that it's possible to use Outlook to send emails with .NET, and so i have set up the code.

My problem is that i need to add a Reference to the Microsoft Outlook Object Library 9.0...but I'm not using VS.NET or anything... how do i do that programmatically?boourns

anyone? still no luck.

to summarize: need to programmatically add a reference to the MS outlook object library 9.0When compiling the application look at the program switches on how to compile it. If using C# then launch the csc.exe or vb use vbc.exe, with the parameters /?. which should tell you the command line arguements to include so that you can compile it to resolve references.err i dont use a compiler to precompile the code

i just include it as a SRC (not codebehind) and it autocompiles on the first request..Then you must first use to create the reference structure place it in the bin directory then recompile..

I zip it up later and upload it.bah, if i had VS.NET at work i wouldn't be asking this question >_<

oh well it's okay, i'm gonna go back to SMTP and just send to one recipient with the target address set as the From field. that way he just replies and it will resolve with outlook.I don't know if this is what you're looking for but, to import a namespace in an aspx page :-
<%@ import namespace="System.Security.Cryptography" %>

you'd need to know the namespace for outlook though.You have to reference the library before you can use the import statement otherwise errors occur.

The Outlook libarary is COM not .net so it can not resolve references for the imports statement.

You can just add the COM exposed functions from the mapped marshaller after you import the library then you use the web.config file to tell it that it is being used. you will need to place the references into it yourself.