I posted this in ASP section but I received an answer saying use VBS and I'm using.net so I cant use VBS. <BR><BR>Greetings. Does ANYONE know of any sample ASP code or could offer some expert assistance that could help me accomplish this: <BR><BR>I'm trying to write an email application that mails out either weekly, biweekly, monthly, tri-monthly, or yearly. I want to add users to a db (I understand this part) and schedule mailing differently for each user. I'm using aspmail for the mailing so that's ok, I also understand that. I just dont understand how to schedule the mailings to be sent at different times to the various users. Could anyone help me with this PLEASE.Over in the ASP Section they told you to use VBS files with windows scripting host and schedule it with Task Scheduler or AT Scheduler right?<BR><BR>I don't know if there's a .NET version of Windows Scripting Host. Can Task Scheduler run a .VB file? That's the only thing I can think of.Thanks webslinger. I'm gonna stick with ASP for that one. and use other features in .net. I posted the original question on Advanced ASP hoping one of you guys can help me even more. Thanks Again.