//Note the would not help me in the database forum so i came here<BR>Hi, <BR><BR>I have this ASP.NET, ADO.NET connecting to an Access database but I am having problem it seems that I cannot connect to the databass (access database). I keep receiving an Runtime Error after I click on the sub routine (Button_Click). But I dont know what is wrong with it or how to fix it. I cant get custom errors (or any errors- except for : Runtime on the webhost I signed up with. The script is..... <BR><BR><BR><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <BR><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %> <BR><%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %> <BR><BR><Script Runat="Server"> <BR><BR>Sub Button_Click(s as Object, e as EventArgs) <BR><BR> Dim conServices as OleDbConnection <BR> Dim strInsert as String <BR> Dim cmdInsert as OleDbCommand <BR><BR><BR>conServices = New OleDbConnection("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=/databases/services.mdb") <BR><BR>strInsert = "Insert Into Services (first_name,last_name) Values ("'txtFirstname.Text'","'txtLastname.Text'")" <BR><BR>cmdInsert = New OleDbCommand(strInsert, conServices) <BR><BR>conServices.Open() <BR><BR>cmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery() <BR><BR>conservices.Close() <BR><BR>Response.Redirect("http://www.msn.com") <BR><BR><BR><BR>End Sub <BR><BR></Script> <BR><BR><BR><html> <BR><head><title>Submit Form</title></head> <BR><body> <BR><BR><form runat="Server"> <BR><BR><b>first Name:</b> <BR><BR><BR><asp:TextBox <BR>id="txtFirstname" <BR>runat="Server" /> <BR><BR><p> <BR><BR><b>Last Name:</b> <BR><BR><BR><asp:TextBox <BR>id="txtLastname" <BR>runat="Server" /> <BR><BR><BR><asp:Button <BR>Text="Submit" <BR>OnClick="Button_Click" <BR>Runat="Server" /> <BR><BR><BR><BR></form> <BR></body> <BR></html> <BR><BR>I would appreate any help. Thank you <BR><BR><BR>Are you sure that your webhost supports .NET? Reason I ask, is that since it's still Beta tech....Very few do.Hello Xanderno,<BR><BR>Yes. My web host supports ASP.NET. My webhost provider is...<BR><BR>http://www.webhost4life.com<BR><BR>they are using Beta 2<BR>They are a very good host and cheap prices.<BR><BR>If you have any idea what is wrong with my script please let me know because I have been working on it for 3 days now and no luck.<BR><BR>Thanks Xanderno1) You don't have the entire db path. If the path isn't C:databasesservices.mdb, this will cause a problem. Do a Server.MapPath to find out what the path should be, if you don't know it.<BR><BR>2)You have a problem with the insert statement. It should look like so:<BR><BR>strInsert = "Insert Into Services (First_Name,Last_Name) Values ('" & txtFirstname.Text & "','" & txtLastname.Text & "')" <BR><BR>That should fix you up.