ASP.Net Rookie has a question


New Member
I am making forms. I have edited code from different books and different websites. The code works great. <BR><BR>However, there is one problem that I cannot resolve.<BR><BR>All of my forms have questions with answers that appear under each other. Example:<BR><BR>Where do you want to fly?<BR>O Madrid<BR>O Lisbon<BR>O Paris<BR><BR>I would like to have the form appear as follows:<BR><BR>Where do you want to fly? O Madrid O Lisbon O Paris<BR><BR>How do I get rid of the carriage return?<BR><BR>The code reads as follows:<BR><asp:radiobuttonlist id="radio1" ranat="server"><BR><asp:listitem id="option1" runat="server" value="Madrid" /><BR><asp:listitem id="option1" runat="server" value="Lisbon" /><BR><asp:listitem id="option1" runat="server" value="Paris" /><BR></asp:radiobuttonlist><BR>I can answer my first question in ASPNET - yay!!!<BR><BR><asp:RadioButtonList id="radio1" runat="server" <BR> RepeatDirection="Horizontal">use table tag to do that.<BR><BR>soorya