ASP.NET question


hi guys i started to learn ASP.NET i know how to program java and javascript but the question is, do i need do learn C# from the biggining to be proffisional,that is ,is there wide diffrence between C# and java
i started ASP.NET with c# but i did not notice wide difference....
but i fraid in the future i'll discover big difference
so can any body help.........The advantage of is flexibility. You can code in, c#, j#,,, delphi, and others. If you want to you can apply a lot of your java experience and just jump right into using j# with a tiny learning curve. But I do reccomend using c# or just because they are the two most widely used langs and you are going to have more opportunities if you know those because you can work with a team of people better, everyone else will be able to read your code and you would be able to read their's. That being said: c# is somewhat similar to java in syntax. I know java and have used some c# (but I usually use and I have to say they are different, they act differently, but c# was designed to be similar to java so it should be not too hard to pickup.