ASP.Net Only 1 Form Restriction: Should I be using a webpage for everything?


New Member
I am forced to use Web Forms in my project, and sadly, Web Forms only allow - If I may - "Strict" Websites to be created.Whenever you need a Button you need to put it in a form, and then you need another button which has nothing to do with the previous button, and you can't have 2 forms,And the idea of putting a DIV that fires a server side (C#) method is kind of difficult, okay it may be easy but all I have found are "tricks", not an "official" clean way.So I have this idea of making a webpage for each action in my websites.For Example:Let's say I wanna click on the ARROW that raises the rating of this question, I would put something like this.HTML\[code\]<a href="" id="rateUpButton">Rate Up</a>\[/code\]And Some CSS Codes to make it look like a beautiful button...Okay now this will take me to a page called Rating.aspx with 2 parameters, the first parameter is the ID of the question that I would like to raise its rating, and the second parameter is either UP (+rating) or DOWN(-rating).On the Page Load method of Rating.aspx, I would update the database, then redirect to the question page.This will work perfectly, BUT, is it a good approach? is it professional? (put in mind that there will be many actions to preform like that...)