ASP.Net MVC3- Returning Serialized XML object to calling view


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Using a Razor form (Html.BeginForm()) I am calling an action in my BooksController which making an api call to to get book information. After serializing the XML response, I am unsure how to pass that data back to use in the calling view.Create.cshtml\[code\]@using (Html.BeginForm("searchForISBN", "Books")) { @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Title) <input class="btn " id="searchForISBN" type="submit" value="" /> }\[/code\]XML response\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ISBNdb server_time="2005-07-29T03:02:22"> <BookList total_results="1"> <BookData book_id="paul_laurence_dunbar" isbn="0766013502"> <Title>Paul Laurence Dunbar</Title> <TitleLong>Paul Laurence Dunbar: portrait of a poet</TitleLong> <AuthorsText>Catherine Reef</AuthorsText> <PublisherText publisher_id="enslow_publishers"> Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, c2000.</PublisherText> <Summary> A biography of....</Summary> <Notes>"Works by Paul Laurence Dunbar": p. 113-114. Includes bibliographical references (p. 124) and index.</Notes> <UrlsText></UrlsText> <AwardsText></AwardsText> </BookData> </BookList> </ISBNdb>\[/code\]BooksController Action\[code\]public StringBuilder searchForISBN(Books books) { HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(""+books.Title) as HttpWebRequest; string result = null; using (HttpWebResponse resp = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()); result = reader.ReadToEnd(); } StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(result))) { reader.ReadToFollowing("BookList"); reader.MoveToFirstAttribute(); reader.MoveToNextAttribute(); reader.MoveToNextAttribute(); reader.MoveToNextAttribute(); string shown_results = reader.Value; int numResults; bool parsed = Int32.TryParse(shown_results, out numResults); for (int i = 0; i < numResults; i++) { reader.ReadToFollowing("BookData"); reader.MoveToFirstAttribute(); reader.MoveToNextAttribute(); string isbn = reader.Value; output.AppendLine("The isbn value: " + isbn); } } return ouput; }\[/code\]I am trying to return the data to the calling view to display the results below the search-bar form in Create.cshtml. Currently it is returning a new view with the path localhost:xxxxx/Books/searchForISBN.Any ideas on how to do this?