ASP.Net MVC View with RadioButtonList with Other freeformat selection


New Member
I am putting together questionairre for registering for an event.One of the eventr registration questions is:\[code\]What is your main job function? Director/MD/Owner Manager Team Leader Other: Please state\[/code\]I would like this to show as a drop down box, or a radio button list in my view, but also with a textbox underneath or next to the "Other" radiobutton, so that a free form "Other" job function can be entered. How would I bind this in my view?I suspect my model will contain:\[code\] [Display(Name = "What is your main job function?")] public string JobFunction { get; set; }\[/code\]...where JobFunction get's populated by the selected item above. But how in my controller, would I override the selected item, if it's "Other" and substitute it with the text box on the view?I'm sure this has been done many times before - so thank you for any help,Mark