mvc routing issue redirect

I'm trying to create a route that redirects to urls but can't get it to work for the life of me. Here's what I have so far:\[code\]public class GoAreaRegistration : AreaRegistration{ public override string AreaName { get { return "Go"; } } public override void RegisterArea( AreaRegistrationContext context ) { context.MapRoute( "Go/Issues", "go/issues/{issueID}", new { controller = "Go", action = "GoIssues" }, new { issueID = @"\d+" } ); }}\[/code\]and my controller:\[code\]public class GoController : Controller{ public ActionResult GoIssues( int issueID ) { var version = getVersion( issueID ); if( version != null ) { string url = MakeUrl(version, issueID); // Redirect to the right url return Redirect( url ); } } // not found return HttpNotFound(); }}\[/code\]The whole point of this is to determine the right version to redirect to and to redirect there. But for some reason go/issues/123 gives me a 404 not found. I used the route debug tool and it shows that this route is hit but when I disable it, I'm back to 404.Any help is greatly appreciated.Thanks